Today I' ve had my hair cut because I' ve been too bored to brush it every morning. I was wasting time and the time is precious [if the time exists , of course]. Now my hair is short and I can stay a lot without brushing it. Now I even forget looking in the mirror at morning... I just hate myself and hate all I am. I hate my stupid brain and the fool person I am. I want to cut myself away from this world, to dissapear in a place where no one knows. The best thing would be to eliminate all the causes which went to my existance on this planet. It's so easy to cut your hair... why can't I cut myself away?
2 comentarii:
ganduri sinucigase? i wonder why...
revin la faza cu blogurile,i'm sorry ca nu citesc mai departe dar chiar n-am rabdare [uneori ma intreb cum de am citit atatea romane,cu lipsa asta de rabdare]...candva si eu scriam atat poezii cat si nuvele SF [eram axata pe SF rau de tot,acum nu mai am nici dispozitia nici timpul necesar pt a face asta]
pai citatul "desertaciunea desertaciunilor totu-i desertaciune" si vizionarea unei fete de cadavru te duc la destule ganduri :)
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